The influence of bile acids on psoriasis
Psoriasis is one of the most common skin diseases
“Many skin diseases are related to bile function, because if the body has a persistent poor bile excretion and fats are not broken down well, then the intestine will undergo intense putrefaction processes, which will produce endotoxins (internal toxins) that irritate and inflame the intestinal wall and make the intestinal lining more permeable to these endotoxins. These can then be released into the lymphatic system and blood and cause inflammation and allergy-like symptoms on the skin. One skin symptom is psoriasis, but it can also be eczema, allergies, rashes, etc.
The treatment of psoriasis is a complex task, which can include and accelerate the intake of bile acids to promote proper bile production and bile excretion.” Source: Dr. Erika Balaicza, internist
“Based on literature, 551 patients with psoriasis were treated with oral bile acids for 1-8 weeks. Of the patients given, 434 (78.8%) became symptom-free.Of the 249 patients who received conventional treatment, only 62 (24.9%) became symptom-free during the same period. This effect of bile acids is due to the fact that it neutralises endotoxins, the internal toxins contained in the bacteria found in our gut. The bile does not allow these internal toxins to enter the bloodstream, but destroys them so that they cannot appear on the skin in the form of psoriasis.” Source: Vitality Volume 141 (2000) Number 17
Customer feedback
"I have had psoriasis since I was 4 years old. I've been taking GALLMET-Natural for a year, it's passing, I can only recommend it. I am 63 years old now, and so far it is the only capsule that cleanses the body of toxins." George M.
Health recommendations of natural bile acids:
Bile and digestion
The crucial role of bile and bile acids in digestion
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The influence of bile acids on psoriasis
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