Gallmet Immune (AntiBac) can help to relieve the symptoms and side effects of bacterial, fungal and other infections.

Supporting the body’s protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms. Mitigating the effects of bacterial superinfections due to a weakened physical condition and a strained immune system caused by viral infections

  • Pharmaceutical research of garlic initially focused on its efficacy against pathogens. At the beginning of the 20th century it was recognized that the consumption of garlic may play a part in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseasesB9.
  • The efficacy of its active agents against pathogensB2 has been proven in several experiments. Due to the proven antibacterial effect of sulphur containing compounds, in theory, it could be used in the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infections.B19 B13
  • According to epidemiological studies, certain tumours of the digestive system are less frequent among regular garlic eaters,B10 which partly might be due to the antibacterial effect of certain active agents in garlic.
  • Under laboratory conditions, garlic has been found to prevent the growth of several respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses).B16
  • Efficacy of garlic against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
    • Among the cardiovascular effects of garlic, the slowing of atherosclerosis, the lowering of cholesterol level and blood pressure have been supported by clinical trialsB7.
    • The regular, scheduled intake of garlic reduces the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood responsible for the damage of blood vessel walls and is thus used to slow down the development of atherosclerosisB9 B1.
    • The risk of developing stomach and colon tumours is lowerB10 in people who consume a high amount of garlic.
  • The efficacy of the King of Bitters extract against various pathogens (E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Candida albicans) and its anti inflammatory, immunomodulant and antispasmodic qualities have been experimentally proven.C2 C8
  • Efficacy as an immunomodulant of white horehound has been demonstrated on animals infected by Salmonella typhimurium.D3 It has shown an antimicrobial effect against several pathogensD3 (Gram + bacteria, fungi, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis and Plasmodium berghei, E. Coli) under laboratory conditions. It has showed an antiviral effect against the herpes virus.D2 D3
  • Endotoxins are components of the Gram negative bacteria. They consist of a species specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) moiety as well as conservative lipid A, which is the toxic portion of the molecule.
    • Millions of Gram negative bacteria live in mammals, which usually do not cause a health problem. In pathological cases, endotoxemia develops as a result of higher amounts of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, which can cause trauma and shock. This can happen when the bacterium is killed or starts to multiply, in which case the endotoxins are released from the bacterium and get into the body. The body’s defence mechanism becomes overloaded due to an increase in the amount of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, the immune system “overreacts” to the danger, which can lead to tissue destruction, endotoxic shock, and ultimately death. Sepsis is a common and increased risk factor for such conditions.
    • All of the effects that damage the intestinal mucosa have been shown to reduce or prevent altogether the production of a peptide, cholecystokinin, in the absence of which the gallbladder cannot empty the bile into the intestine and, in its absence, endotoxins released from broken bacteria, and when introduced into the circulation, endotoxemia, in more severe cases, trigger shock. In natural conditions, and in some pathological cases, the endotoxins always absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, triggering pathological processes.
      It has also been shown that this protection also protects all lipoid structured agents (such as enveloped large viruses). This system of protection based on the detergent effect of bile acids is physicochemical protection.

Supporting the immune system and the body’s natural defences, especially in the upper respiratory tract

  • Efficacy of garlic against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
  • The berries of the plant contain large amounts of anthocyanins (giving them their colour). These compounds have an antioxidantG5 and antiviral effect against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza). They also support the immune system and thus contribute to the protection against viruses.A6 A4 A3
  • Traditional studies of elderberry extract have shown that elderberry accelerates recovery and reduces symptoms in people with influenza.A4
  • A similar effect was observed for colds.A5 A re‑analysis (meta analysis)A9 of the results of the clinical trials confirmed the above findings.
  • In a meta analysis the efficacy of Andrographis in treating coldsC2 was analysed based on data from over 7000 patients.
  • The results indicate that it relieves cough, soreness of the throat, the symptoms of cold and accelerates recoveryC17 C2 C12 when compared to a placebo.
  • Centuries of oriental folk experience and informative scientific studies support the anti‑inflammatory effect of the drug and clinical evidence to the same effect is also available.E19
  • Curcumin has an immunostimulatory effect proven in experiments: during the immune response, it enhanced the production of anti-bodies and white blood cell count.E2 But its impact on the immune system is even more complex. In the experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction, it also moderated airway narrowing in the experiments.E6
  • This effect is produced by the inhibition of the NF‑κB pathway, which also plays a role in the development of asthma.E7 According to the experiments, the antiallergic effect develops in food allergies as well,E21 partly through maintaining the balance of Th1 / Th2 cells.

Assisting the intestinal tract as the “centre of the immune system”, contributing to healthy digestion, normal liver and biliary functions and the microbiological balance of the intestine

  • Appetite enhancing and digestion stimulating effectD1 of the white horehound is related to its bitter substance content. Bitter taste improves appetite reflexively and supports digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive fluids.
  • Turmeric also has an effect of increasing bile production and contracting the gallbladder. The antispasmodic effect of its extract contributes to its efficacy in alleviating digestive disordersE15.
  • Turmeric extract decreases triglyceride levels, which can be partly explained by increased bile production.E9
  • The majority of clinical data on turmeric come from studies with turmeric from India. The biliary (bile flow increasing) and digestion improving (reducing dyspeptic symptoms) effects of turmeric have been proven in human studiesE18, but no comprehensive clinical studies have been done to date. The cholesterol reducing effect of turmeric has been proven in several clinical trials and in their meta analysis.E10
  • Centuries of oriental folk experience and informative scientific studies support the anti‑inflammatory effect of the drug and clinical evidence to the same effect is also available.E19 The anti‑inflammatory effect of curcuminoids has been confirmed by the positive results of several human trials, their consumption alleviated joint pains.E12 Several clinical trials have indicated that curcumin – presumably due to its anti‑inflammatory function – relieves the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, significant antioxidant. E11
  • King of bitters has been proven to have a hepatoprotective and antioxidant function internally.C16
  • A condition of immunodeficiency associated with insufficient bile production: The role of bile acids in digestion and the lack of them after gall bladder surgery (bile deficiency). If bile secretion, bile production or the enterohepatic circulation are insufficient (resulting in bile deficiency that occurs in 25 % of people), then the breakdown and the digestion of fats will not take place properly and digestion will also be insufficient, which may be accompanied by constipation, bloating, malaise or diarrhoea and be the potential cause of other diseases. This can be favourably influenced by the administration of bile acids at mealtimes. After cholecystectomy, storage function of the gall bladder is lost. The bile continuously trickles, so, if there is a higher demand for bile (when having a meal containing a larger amount of fat), there is not any bile to release because of the lack of the bladder. So, the fats are not completely digested (fat metabolism disorder), and when it is getting into the colon, the intestinal flora eliminates the indigestible parts along with gas formation, causing abdominal bloating, possibly diarrhoea.


Contribution to the reduction of the effects of bacterial nosocomial infections, particularly on Gram-negative bacteria

  • Gram‑negative sepsis and shockG17
    • In the modern hospital gram negative bacteraemia and the associated condition of septic shock are common occurrences. In the United States the estimated incidence of gram negative bacteraemia ranges from 71,000 to 330,000 cases annually. Fatalities attributed to this disease are between 18,000 and 132,000 each year. Sepsis is defined as a systemic disease caused by microorganisms or their products in the blood. Bacteraemia is the presence of viable organisms in the circulation. Gram negative bacteraemia in the critically ill patient is synonymous with gram negative sepsis. Septic shock is a clinical syndrome characterized by circulatory insufficiency and inadequate tissue perfusion. Septic shock is associated primarily although not exclusively with gram negative bacilli. The underlying illness of the patient is the primary factor determining the outcome of an episode of gram negative bacteraemia. Patients with a life threatening disorder have a very poor prognosis, while sepsis in a previously healthy person carries a good prognosis. The overall mortality in gram negative bacteraemia is 25%. When septic shock develops, the mortality increases to 50‑60%. Appropriate antibiotics that are synergistic against the infecting organism can decrease the mortality, but the overwhelming influence of host factors in predicting the outcome suggests that prevention and early treatment are the best means of decreasing mortality.
  • Changes in the incidence of multiresistant pathogens and its consequences in the intensive care unitG18
    • Incidence of nosocomial infections and antibiotics resistance in intensive care units is increasing worldwide. Blood stream infections of Gram negative non fermentive bacteria are associated with higher mortality. Aim and methods: The aim of this study was to compare the antibiotic sensitivity of nosocomial blood stream infections between years 2008–2010. Results: There was no difference in the sensitivity of methycillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and extended spectrum beta lactamase producing Klebsiella spp. and Escherichia coli infections between the two years examined. Antibiotic resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii and Pseudomonas infections showed a marked increase. In addition, the authors found that the mortality of multi resistant Gram negative blood stream infections was higher compared to that caused by non multi resistant bacteria. The active agents in garlic, white horehound and bile acids, due to their antibacterial effect, can be used effectively against Gram negative bacteria that cause the majority of nosocomial infections!
  • Under laboratory conditions, garlic has been found to prevent the growth of several respiratory pathogens (bacteria, viruses).B16
  • Efficacy of garlic against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
  • The efficacy of the King of Bitters extract against various pathogens (E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, B. subtilis, Candida albicans) and its anti inflammatory, immunomodulant and antispasmodic qualities have been experimentally proven.C2 C8
  • Efficacy as an immunomodulant of white horehound has been demonstrated on animals infected by Salmonella typhimurium.D3 It has shown an antimicrobial effect against several pathogensD3 (Gram + bacteria, fungi, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas vaginalis and Plasmodium berghei, E. Coli) under laboratory conditions. It has showed an antiviral effect against the herpes virus.D2 D3
  • Curcumin has an immunostimulatory effect proven in experiments: during the immune response, it enhanced the production of anti-bodies and white blood cell count.E2 But its impact on the immune system is even more complex. In the experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction, it also moderated airway narrowing in the experiments.E6
  • This effect is produced by the inhibition of the NF‑κB pathway, which also plays a role in the development of asthma.E7 According to the experiments, the antiallergic effect develops in food allergies as well,E21 partly through maintaining the balance of Th1 / Th2 cells.
  • Endotoxins are components of the Gram negative bacteria. They consist of a species specific lipopolysaccharide (LPS) moiety as well as conservative lipid A, which is the toxic portion of the molecule.
    • In pathological cases, endotoxemia develops as a result of higher amounts of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, which can cause trauma and shock. The body’s defence mechanism becomes overloaded due to an increase in the amount of endotoxin entering the bloodstream, the immune system “overreacts” to the danger, which can lead to tissue destruction, endotoxic shock, and ultimately death.
    • In natural conditions, and in some pathological cases, the endotoxins always absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, triggering pathological processes. In natural conditions, and in some pathological cases, the endotoxins always absorbed from the intestines into the bloodstream, triggering pathological processes. It has also been shown that this protection also protects all lipoid structured agents (such as enveloped large viruses). This system of protection based on the detergent effect of bile acids is physicochemical protection.



C12 – A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical evaluation of extract of Andrographis paniculata (KalmCold) in patients with uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection

A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical evaluation of extract of Andrographis paniculata (KalmCold) in patients with uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection Download – PDF Abstract A randomized, double blind placebo controlled clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy

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E2 – Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin

Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin Download – PDF Abstract Curcumin, an active ingredient present in Curcuma longa, was analysed for the immunomodulatory activity in Balb/c mice. Curcumin administration was found to increase the total WBC count (15,290) significantly on the 12th

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