Significant antioxidant effect that contributes to counteracting the shift of the free radical antioxidant balance, which plays a significant role in the development of several chronic diseases

King Of Bitters (Andrographis paniculata)

supports the body’s natural defences, especially in the upper respiratory tract

  • It has a hepatoprotective and antioxidant function internallyC16, while local application has demonstrated wound healing qualities.

Garlic (Allium sativum)

contributes to maintaining intestinal microbiological balance and protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms

  • Efficacy of garlic against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.
  • The antioxidant effect B3 B4 of garlic has been proven as well, which may also play a part in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Turmeric and black pepper (Curcuma longa and Piper nigrum)

supports the immune system, lung and respiratory tract health. It provides protection against allergies and has a significant antioxidant function

  • Curcumin has an immunostimulatory effect proven in experiments: during the immune response, it enhanced the production of anti-bodies and white blood cell count.E2 But its impact on the immune system is even more complex. In the experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction, it also moderated airway narrowing in the experiments.E6
  • This effect is produced by the inhibition of the NF‑κB pathway, which also plays a role in the development of asthma.E7 According to the experiments, the antiallergic effect develops in food allergies as well,E21 partly through maintaining the balance of Th1 / Th2 cells.
  • Several clinical trials have indicated that curcumin – presumably due to its anti‑inflammatory function – relieves the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, significant antioxidant.E11

Blackberry (Sambucus nigra)

supports the immune system that protects the human body

  • The berries of the plant contain large amounts of anthocyanins (giving them their colour). These compounds have an antioxidant G5 and antiviral effect against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza). They also support the immune system and thus contribute to the protection against viruses.A6 A4 A3

White horehound (Marrubium vulgare)

supports the intestinal tract, contributes to healthy digestion and to proper liver and bile function

  • Anti inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, hypotensive and hypoglycaemic effects D1 D3 D5 D6 of the white horehound are supported by animal experiment data.


B4 – Assessment report on Allium sativum L., bulbus

Assessment report on Allium sativum L., bulbus Download – PDF Introduction Description of the herbal substance(s), herbal preparation(s) or combinations thereof. The aim of this report is to assess the non-clinical and clinical data available on Allium sativum for preparing

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E2 – Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin

Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin Download – PDF Abstract Curcumin, an active ingredient present in Curcuma longa, was analysed for the immunomodulatory activity in Balb/c mice. Curcumin administration was found to increase the total WBC count (15,290) significantly on the 12th

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