Supporting the immune system and the body’s natural defences, especially in the upper respiratory tract

Garlic (Allium sativum)

contributes to maintaining intestinal microbiological balance and protection against harmful bacteria and microorganisms

  • Efficacy of garlic against respiratory infections has been proven in a modern clinical trial.B16 According to a study, the prolonged preventive intake of garlic significantly reduced the risk of respiratory infections.

Elderberry (Sambucus Nigra)

supports the immune system that protects the human body

  • Elderflower has been part of European folk medicine for centuries: it is used primarily for inducing sweating and in cases of fever and cold. Fruit jam made of its berries is also used as a mild laxative. More recently, the squeezed juice and extract of its berries have also been used in colds.
  • The berries of the plant contain large amounts of anthocyanins (giving them their colour). These compounds have an antioxidantG5 and antiviral effect against respiratory viruses (e.g. influenza, rhino and coronavirus). They also support the immune system and thus contribute to the protection against viruses.A6 A4 A3
  • Traditional studies of elderberry extract have shown that elderberry accelerates recovery and reduces symptoms in people with influenza.A4 A similar effect was observed for colds.A5 A re‑analysis (meta analysis)A9 of the results of the clinical trials confirmed the above findings.

King Of Bitters (Andrographis paniculata)

supports the body’s natural defences, especially in the upper respiratory tract

  • In a meta analysis the efficacy of Andrographis in treating coldsC2 was analysed based on data from over 7000 patients.
  • The results indicate that it relieves cough, soreness of the throat, the symptoms of cold and accelerates recoveryC17 C2 C12 when compared to a placebo.

Turmeric and black pepper (Curcuma longa and Piper nigrum)

supports the immune system, lung and respiratory tract health. It provides protection against allergies and has a significant antioxidant function

  • Centuries of oriental folk experience and informative scientific studies support the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug and clinical evidence to the same effect is also availableE10.
  • Curcumin has an immunostimulatory effect proven in experiments: during the immune response, it enhanced the production of anti-bodies and white blood cell count.E2 But its impact on the immune system is even more complex. In the experimentally induced allergen-provoked airway obstruction, it also moderated airway narrowing in the experiments.E6


White horehound (Marrubium vulgare)

supports the intestinal tract, contributes to healthy digestion and to proper liver and bile function

  • Its appetite enhancing and digestion stimulatingD1 effect is related to its bitter substance content. Bitter taste improves appetite reflexively and supports digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive fluids.


Bile acids

reduce digestive and biliary complaints caused by bile deficiency thus significantly supporting the weakened immune system. They also neutralize endotoxins released from the necrosed cell walls of Gram negative bacteria that are the cause of numerous diseases. Bile acids inhibit the spread of several strains of viruses (influenza, corona, hepatitis, herpes/Epstein Barr, HIV, EBOLA) by preventing virions from biding to the membrane of host cells, thus impeding the production of viruses, but they also break down the virion host cell bond in viruses already produced.

  • ABSTRACT: Enzymatic oxidation of cholesterol generates numerous distinct bile acids which function both as detergents that facilitate the digestion and absorption of dietary lipids and as hormones that activate five distinct receptors. Activation of these receptors alters gene expression in multiple tissues, leading to changes not only in bile acid metabolism but also in glucose homeostasis, lipid and lipoprotein metabolism, energy expenditure, intestinal motility, bacterial growth, inflammation, and in the liver‑gut axis. This review focuses on the present knowledge regarding the physiologic and pathologic role of bile acids and their immunomodulatory role, with particular attention to bacterial lipopolysaccharides (endotoxins) and bile acid and immunological disorders. The specific role that bile acids play in the regulation of innate immunity, various systemic inflammations, inflammatory bowel diseases, allergy, psoriasis, cholestasis, obesity, metabolic syndrome, alcoholic liver disease, and colon cancer will be reviewed.


C12 – A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical evaluation of extract of Andrographis paniculata (KalmCold) in patients with uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection

A randomized double blind placebo controlled clinical evaluation of extract of Andrographis paniculata (KalmCold) in patients with uncomplicated upper respiratory tract infection Download – PDF Abstract A randomized, double blind placebo controlled clinical study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy

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E2 – Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin

Immunomodulatory activity of curcumin Download – PDF Abstract Curcumin, an active ingredient present in Curcuma longa, was analysed for the immunomodulatory activity in Balb/c mice. Curcumin administration was found to increase the total WBC count (15,290) significantly on the 12th

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F28 – The Immunomodulatory Role of Bile Acids

The Immunomodulatory Role of Bile Acids Download – PDF ABSTRACT: Enzymatic oxidation of cholesterol generates numerous distinct bile acids which function both as detergents that facilitate the digestion and absorption of dietary lipids and as hormones that activate five distinct

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