How does bile free the body from excess cholesterol?

How To Get Rid Of Excess Cholesterol?

high cholesterol and bile
"One of the ways to get rid of excess cholesterol… is cholesterol break down by own bile or by the intake of external bile. Cca. 20-30% of excess cholesterol is converted into bile acids while cca. 70% enters the gallbladder without transformation. If the liver produces less bile acid (bile) - the major cause of which is stagnant, poorly discharged bile or the lack of foods prompting bile secretion - less cholesterol is converted into bile acids and more excess cholesterol remains in the body. If, for any reason, the production of bile acids by the body is reduced and most of the cholesterol is excreted directly in the bile, the risk of gallstone formation is greatly increased. So, oral administration of bile acids can help to break down excess cholesterol."
Dr. Istvan Tihanyi
Cholesterol and gallstones

Do we need cholesterol?

“The human body needs cholesterol, … it is a very important cell-building element and the raw material from which the body produces bile acids. Fat and fat-like foods cannot be processed by the body without cholesterol” Source: Anna L. Reti’s writing on Dr. Peter Legrady – Cholesterol Needs Kurir 1992

“According to cholesterol charity Heart UK six out of every 10 people in Britain have raised or abnormal levels of cholesterol in their blood but many don’t realise it as there are no outward signs.” Source:

"I had high cholesterol, the lab test showed a reading of 6.3. That's when I started taking GALLMET. A few weeks later, the next measurement was 3.9. Since then I've been taking it (which is 1, max 2 a day) and it's been between 3.9 and 4.4."

Health recommendations of natural bile acids:

fat digestion gallbladder pain Gallmet capsules

Bile and digestion

The crucial role of bile and bile acids in digestion

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How to prevent and treat gallstones with bile acids?

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Gallbladder surgery

Why are bile acids important after gallbladder surgery?

high cholesterol level Gallmet capsules

High cholesterol

How does bile free the body from excess cholesterol?

psoriasis treatment Gallmet capsules


The influence of bile acids on psoriasis

stress Gallmet bile acid capsule


The relationship between stress, bile function and digestion

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Immunsystem support

Bile acids have a beneficial effect on the immune system

IBD Ulcerative colitis Crohn's disease Gallmet

Bowel disease

The Relationship between bowel diseases and bile

weight loss and Gallmet capsule

Weight loss

How can proper bile function and the breakdown of bile acids contribute to weight loss?



Relationship between diabetes and bile


Effect of bile acids on Candida

Effect of bile acids on Candida in the digestive tract

The gallbladder

The disposable organ we cannot live without - the gallbladder


The relationship between reflux and bile function

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